Tuesday, August 30, 2011

60th Birthday Key Lime Pie

My dad recently turned 60. He's from Florida and loves that most Floridian of desserts, the key lime pie. When I decided to throw him a sixties-themed family birthday party about a week ago, there was no doubt that there would be a birthday pie on the table next to the birthday cake. (Why choose?)

I decided to use a key lime pie recipe from Gourmet, found on epicurious.com. I would make that graham cracker crust. I would track down some key lime juice. I'd separate those eggs.

But despite my inarguable domestic gifts, I got downright overwhelmed planning the birthday meal of barbecue, cole slaw, cornbread, macaroni and cheese, and fruit salad. I found myself chanting, "make cake...find candles...iced tea...remember tape." With the hours counting down until the birthday lunch, I had a beautiful realization in the grocery store. I'd buy the damn pie. This move was a winner because the Edwards key lime pie is totally delicious. Even when you forget to defrost it. This pie gets points for its substantial, firm crust, its firm and tangy filling, and its firm...did I mention I forgot to defrost it? I highly recommend this pie. Inexpensive (about $7, maybe less) and a huge time saver.